My Approach
My methods vary significantly depending on what I’m coaching or tutoring along with the client’s age and their specific needs. As the sessions progress, so too does the child's learning and self-belief.
All of my methods and techniques originate from high-end innovative educational practice and coaching/therapy practice. They are rooted in unconditional positive regard and are centred on three core values: compassion, creativity and courage.
Known as the Keys of Happiness©, these three values underpin my unique approach and enable the process of learning and personal growth.
Keys of Happiness
These three keys of learning follow the process of building rapport - compassion, finding understanding - creativity and consolidating change - courage. When experienced, this process of learning enables the child to achieve specific goals and move along their pathway of happiness.
The Compassion Key
Before the first session with a child, I meet with the parents to understand any issues or concerns. Holding this valuable information in mind for the first session, I always ask the child what they would like to talk about.
My intent is to build relationships of mutual trust and understanding.
Connecting with and establishing clear and respectful communication moves the child into a space where they are relaxed and ready to work on themselves or on their school work.
Together with the parent’s information, I am then able to plan for the subsequent coaching or tutoring sessions.
The Creativity Key
All sessions are fun, dynamic and child-centred enabling a child to communicate and understand creatively.
My intent, at this stage of the process, is for the child to become curious about themselves and curious to learn more. This curiosity then sparks confidence in the collaborative relationship so that the coaching and tutoring process becomes problem-solving and work-focused.
When tutoring, I use age-appropriate resources and creative activities to ensure that the child has every possibility to explore their learning.
For life coaching, I use the most relevant approach for each child: playing, art, craft, story, music, writing or talking.
The Courage Key
I build the child’s courage by establishing what skills they already confidently do well and we investigate how they do this.
My intent is to build the child’s self-awareness of their passions and aptitudes (skills) so that they can commit these to their lifelong learning.
This focus enables self-reflection and motivates the child. From this position of strength, I’m then able to work on identifying the root cause of their limiting beliefs, fears, or causes of anxiety.
In life-coaching , together with the child, I set specific goals and look at ways of achieving these. I evaluate the child’s ideas and they choose the most achievable and realistic option for them to get the result they want.
When tutoring, I also set specific goals so that children are aware that they can positively evaluate their progress.
My aim is for children to understand how they think, feel, behave and learn.